Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why I Still Watch the Twilight Films

I haven't posted anything in a while. This is a response to a tweet.

I still follow The Twilight Saga films for a few reasons. These motives are purely reasonable and not excusable for still respecting the series.

Reason 1. I've been following anything related to Twilight since late 2007. I have dedicated myself SO, so long to these films and books, that I will still follow them. Why quit on something you started? You could enjoy remembering it in 20 years, despite its sillyness. I do understand why a lot of people dislike and loathe the series. I do agree with them, most of the time. But that's not going to stop be for not finishing what I started.

Reason 2. Because I was such a fan a few years back, I followed a group of people who were interested in it too. Some of those people are still really good friends of mine. Although their opinions have changed too, they have the same respectfulness and reasons as I do. We loved the series. We grew distant to the series. We loathe the series. Despite the loathsomeness of Twilight, WE'RE ALL STILL GOING TO SEE THE NEXT FILM!

And Reason 3. It's quite entertaining. Now I have become cynical towards The Twilight Saga, it's very humorous to see the mediocre acting, bland storyline, and very silly relationship issues. I mean come on, Breaking Dawn is something an 11-year-old Twilight fan would most definitely come up with.

I am aware of the run-of-the-mill bad writing from Stephenie Meyer. I'm aware of Bella's complete issues with whining. All of these things that "loathers" dislike the series for, I understand. I agree, too. It's just, I've made too many friends and kept going on at it for so long, I'm going to continue.

And with that, TheTrollAmongUs signing off here, goodbye.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Obsession

My obviously-healthy-obsession of started when I was 5. The obsession with the Scream movies by Wes Craven. Ever since, I've been addicted to anything Scream related. I have 3 masks, DVD's, VHS tapes, YOU NAME IT. One of my friends, Kyler, has been following the Scream franchise with me, too.

And so in 2008, Scream 4 was greenlit and I remember I was about to SQUEAL. Anyway, not until recently (December 09) has the production started beginning. Now they're in the middle of filming, with a tentative release date of April 15, 2011! You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to that night. I will be at the midnight release.

This is a random post that I decided to do, just in case I wanted to visit the days of the fanboying days of Scre4m.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Writing Update!

I am currently on page 30.

I finally set up the margins to where it looks like a legit book, because we all want a legit document to write in, right? Exactly.

Ideas have been throwing themselves at me constantly, most of the time when I write. This book is going to have so many plot twists and some amazing plot holes happening, and I can't wait for it to be done.

In other news, today I recieved my pre-ordered copy of Maggie Steifvater's "Linger" in the mail today. I LOVED "Shiver", and I was excited for the sequel. I'll hold off reading it until after writing, so I can stay in the same voice of character to write in.

This is my 3:30 AM sign off! Good morning!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oh hey. Welcome to my Official site!

Yes, I capitalized the O in "Official!".

As of right now, I am listening to Erin McCarley, so I am in a very mellow and tenuous mood. Writing is my top priority at the moment, but I will try to blog at least a few times a week. I probably won't have any followers, but since this blog will be included in my book, I'll try to make it seem like this is some thing I've done for years.

My book will be available on www.lulu.com in the fall. Preview chapters will be up soon, after I've finished rewrites.

I'm looking forward to getting my book published. Well, not legitimately published to where it'd be in bookstores, since it's a self-publishing website. (Although, I'm not so sure. It can be available on Amazon.com though) It's still a very exiting thing for me to unravel such a website that will let my dreams come true.

Soon, on YouTube.com, I will document a series of videos that includes me telling the story of my book. And trust me, it will be as coherent as possible.

Thanks for reading!
